Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Stephanie Marquesano - Finally embracing the curly girl in me...

So, after the mall disaster, I sort of enjoyed my straightened hair.  But, I was petrified to straighten it again. Left with no other option, I let it grow out.  It literally took over a year and a half of weird ponytails, buns and other assorted pull backs of my hair to finally get the straightener to grow out.  The question was what to do with all that hair.  About a month before high school graduation I cut my hair in a curly do.  It was sort of like an afro, only longer in the back. I actually used a hair pick too! Sometimes I loved it, sometimes I hated it. Once I actually got so engrossed in a conversation with my hair dresser that I ended up with two inches of hair and a tail in the back! Other times it seemed so big that it had a life of its own.  Looking at pictures from that period in my life, I can't believe I actually had a couple of serious boyfriends and many dates with that hair. I kept my hair that way for all four years of college and my next hair experiment began during my first year of law school.

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