Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Stephanie Marquesano takes her daughter to OUIDAD!!!!!!

I have already talked about my daughter's keratin disaster, so I actually skipped a whole chunk of hair history for her.  OUIDAD is a lifesaver!!!!!! Ana totally knows everything about cutting curly hair, and while the haircut and products are expensive, to us it is well worth it.  Her first haircut at OUIDAD was when she was about 11 years old.  Her hair was down to her butt, and, if it wasn't pulled back, really had the potential to grow to immeasurable proportions. Ana basically carves and slices out a good portion of the bulk, which made a huge difference.  It still wasn't really enough.  Ana always talked about softening her hair, but my big concern was using a straightening process.  After the disaster with the keratin, my daughter was petrified to do anything.  In fact, it took until just recently (at the age of 15) that she finally begged to have her curls softened.  The results have been great.  She has every bit of the curl that she had before, except her hair has less density, and little frizz.  There was no burning, no damage and hardly any smell.  Ana did not leave the product on for too long, she figured it was better to see how it took in her hair first.  Next time, and there will definitely be a next time, she will probably ask to have it in a little longer.

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